martin margiela stores are always delightful. we shared some visuals awhile ago over here. this one pointed out by 2 or 3 things is just as great(!). and if you're needing a little nudge, part of our new stock for May has made it's way to us: lots of nice dresses and cool cotton blouses to tide away the sticky weather.
YEAH to cooling blouses and dresses! so i can pop by this weekend yea :))
dropped by the margiela store in hk the last i was there. like it! wish i could see more tho!
Hi do you still sell bags from Baggu?
I'm rather on a tight budget. What's the price range for the dresses? ):
g, if you didn't make it last weekend, part two coming out this Thursday!
jo, we're so envious!
hey a, yes we do and we have stock right now. if it's new colours (and prints) you're looking for, they are coming in end of May!
and j, our dresses ranges from anything between $59.90 to $150. see you at the shop!
How much would the bags from baggu cost?
Hi A, they are at $16 each and $45 in total if you get 3 baggus!
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